Installation guide

In order to compile and install pi-peps, the following libraries are required:
  • ITensor v2, a tensor network library
  • linear algebra library, which can be one of the two (not both):
  • Intel MKL
  • meson & ninja, the build system tools
  • ARPACK (optional) for large-scale eigenvalue problems

Handling prerequisites

After installing ITensor, you can get the remaining dependencies easily through conda package manager. After setting up conda, simply get both meson and ninja as

$ conda install meson ninja

To install Intel MKL and corresponding headers through conda:

$ conda install mkl mkl-include

The simplest way to get ARPACK is to use package manager of your choice (apt-get, …), for example we can again use conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge arpack

Building the library

First, clone the repository and enter inside the folder

$ git clone
$ cd pi-peps

Then invoke meson passing the necessary build options through the flag -D together with the folder where the library will be compiled. In particular, the path to the ITensor must be set via the option itensor-dir:

$ meson -Ditensor-dir=/path/to/itensor/root/dir build
Running this command, meson will:
  • generate all the files needed to compile the library inside the folder build (if it does not exist, meson will create it)
  • look for ITensor library in the folder /path/to/itensor/root/dir.

If the command is successfull, we can enter the build directory and compile the library using ninja

$ cd build
$ ninja

Note that in the above example, lapack with cblas is used as default. If you want to use Intel MKL instead, see below.

Configuring pi-peps with Intel MKL

First, build the ITensor library with Intel MKL. Afterwards, you can build pi-peps:

$ meson -Ditensor-dir=/path/to/ITensor -Dmkl=true -Dmkl-dir=/path/to/mkl/root/dir  build-mkl

If you installed both Intel MKL and ARPACK through conda, an examplary configuration could be done as follows:

$ meson -Ditensor-dir=/path/to/ITensor -Dmkl=true -Dmkl-dir=$CONDA_PREFIX -Darpack=true -Darpack-dir=$CONDA_PREFIX -Drsvd=true build-mkl

where both ARPACK and randomized SVD functionality is enabled. The environment variable CONDA_PREFIX (automatically set by conda) points to the directory containing libraries and headers.

Changing the options of a build

If you change your mind after you have already run meson and populated a build directory, in order to change any of the build options you have to

  • be inside the build dir
  • use meson configure -Doption=value
  • call ninja to recompile the library with the new configuration

Install the library

To start experimenting with the library, we recommend to install the library itself and continue modifying one of the installed examples. The library can be installed via the command

  • ninja install (or sudo ninja install)

meson will install the library in the path stored in the option prefix (which sould be /usr/local by default). You can check the values of all the available options with

  • meson configure issued from inside the build dir

We highly recommend to choose a prefix where you have write permissions (e.g., ~/pi-peps) so you don’t need the root privileges. You can change the prefix with -Dprefix=/path/to/install/lib

Other options

For the set of options specific to this project, please refer to the file meson_options.txt.